free head exam graphic

It might sound like something out of a 1950’s horror flick, but the Free Head Exam isn’t scary at all. In fact, our Free Head Exam service can actually bring life back to your prized jewelry pieces. Because it is soft, gold is especially susceptible to becoming worn down over the years. Read more to find out if it’s time to consider bringing your piece(s) in and having them checking by a certified specialist.

Time to Get Your Jewelry Checked

Due to our busy schedules, we often take our jewelry for granted. However, it’s important to understand when you should have it checked by a professional. If you’re noticing signs of wear and tear, it’s time to schedule a Free Head exam. Not only does dirty jewelry look unappealing and take away from the intended purpose, but it can also be a sign that your piece is in need of some TLC.

Most importantly… Let’s say you’re walking around with a beautiful diamond engagement ring. You may be unaware that you’re missing three of the six prongs holding that gorgeous gem in place. All it takes is banging it on your car door or snagging it on that cashmere sweater and your diamond is gone.

What Do Your Prongs Look Like?

The prongs, also known as prong setting or prong mount, refers to the metal projections or tines, that are used to secure a gemstone to a piece of jewelry. On newer pieces of jewelry, prongs will look like a bead. Over time, they wear down to a thin silver. Once they become this thin, you can knock them off much easier. The earlier you notice your prongs becoming worn, the easier (and less expensive) a repair is.

What’s Included in a Free Head Exam?

Glad you asked! During a Free Head Exam, our specialists will use a loupe (a small magnification device used to see small details more closely)  to check the size of the prongs. Once the condition is determined, your jeweler will make a decision whether or not the prongs can be repaired. If not, the prongs will need to be replaced.

Repairing the prongs consists of adding fresh metal atop the existing prong. If a replacement is in order, we’ll replace the entire set with a new head. This is where the name ‘free head exam’ comes from.

Final Thoughts

Still not sure? Give us a call at  (919) 362-5515 and let’s have a chat!